Türkiye Office

In the Gaziantep office, in Türkiye, Trust specializes in third party monitoring (TPM), needs assessment, data analysis, translation, research in the humanitarian domain, and tailored services in response to specific needs in the MENA region countries. Our dedicated team of qualified consultants and researchers, supported by our highly experienced management, aspire to provide a range of expert services to international and local NGOs, businesses, donors and third parties with vested interests in different aspects of development and humanitarian action.

Providing technical expertise to humanitarian stakeholders in Middle East

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) continues to face multiple and complex challenges today. With globally declared acute and protracted ongoing emergencies, the region has seen an escalation of protracted humanitarian situations, such as Syria, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq and Libya, creating obstacles for the work of humanitarian organizations in the implementation of projects that envision the stabilisation of war-torn states and conflict-affected populations. By 2021, MENA has a total of 32 million children in need, 16 million people need nutrition services, 49 million people need WASH services, 24 million children need protection services and 110 million children need access to school.

The effects of the humanitarian crises in conflict-affected countries for the last 50 years have been spreading beyond national borders. Neighboring countries have been severely affected socially, economically and politically at the internal level. Moreover, the arrivals en masse of people from countries experiencing protracted conflict has been increasing vulnerabilities and tensions in these states. Therefore, humanitarian operations in conflict-affected areas have been ranging in size and activities, such as providing food aid, access to water and sanitation, shelter, education, gender-based violence, healthcare, protection of vulnerable populations or assistance in form of cash and vouchers, though they only constitute 6% of the total humanitarian budget.
Today, we have several organisations providing timely humanitarian assistance on the ground, yet questions arise about their relevance and methods of helping the population in need because if they do not address the root causes and deeper drivers of regional conflict and displacement most of them may end up doing more harm than good by not meeting the needs of the affected society.


Kavaklık Mah. Mehmetçik Cad. No:48 Öz Bayram Apartmanı
Şahinbey / Gaziantep – Türkiye

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