Third-Party Monitoring | WASH Humanitarian Assistance for the Conflict-Affected People of Syria

Project Presentation

Trust Consultancy & Development was commissioned to provide Third-Party Monitoring services for Norwegian Church Aid’s WASH humanitarian Assistance for Conflict Affected People of Syria program. In Idleb and Aleppo, the project aims to prevent WASH-related diseases among conflict affected and displaced people and improve access to safe and adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene through diverse activities in communities, institutions, and camps.

Along with two implementing partners, Trust Consultancy & Development documented the various project activities across half of the 12 project locations. Project achievements and outcomes were assessed and documented through 409 surveys with beneficiaries within targeted communities, as well as the parents of school children receiving institutional WASH services. Moreover, 30 KIIs with a wide variety of stakeholders (project staff, suppliers, local council members, prominent community members, and water station operations) provided important insights into project operations. Beneficiary voices were highlighted through 27 FGDs with community members, school children, and WASH User Committees. Through these KIIs, Trust was able to provide novel insights specifically relevant to the sustainability of the project. Trust also verified outputs through observations and water tests.


Norwegian Church Aid actalliance logo

Sector/s : WASH

Project type : Monitoring

Location : Syria

Period : Apr – Jun 2019

Donor : Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA)

Data Collection Tools









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