Third-Party Monitoring | Integrated Emergency Health, Nutrition, Protection, and WASH Response in Northwest Syria

Project Presentation

World Vision International contracted Trust Consultancy & Development to carry out a Third-Party Monitoring of health, nutrition, protection, and WASH programming being implemented by local partners in Northwest Syria governorates.

Trust Consultancy & Development assessed and verified project activities, performance, and quality, measured beneficiary satisfaction with the various responses, and identified recommendations for future programming. The TPM was guided by the following assessment criteria: availability, relevance/appropriateness, accessibility, acceptability. Special attention was placed on the gender-responsiveness of project activities. To carry out this TPM, Trust used a mixed-methods approach, collecting data from both beneficiaries and other stakeholders relevant to the project(s). This approach allowed Trust to provide evidence-based findings and actionable recommendations through triangulation of the information obtained from multiple sources that can be used to adapt future programming to the needs of beneficiaries and apply lessons learned identified by key project stakeholders. Trust used a desk review, KIIs, IDIs, observation checklists, water tests, GIDIs, beneficiary surveys, and exit interviews to collect the quantitative and qualitative data for this TPM.


World Vision Logo

Sector/s : Gender-Based Violence, Health, Nutrition, Protection, WASH

Project type : Third-Party Monitoring

Location : Northwest Syria

Date : October 2020 – December 2020

Donor : Global Affairs Canada

Data Collection Tools

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