Third Party Monitoring for Food Security, Livelihoods, Resilience, and Emergency Projects

Project Presentation

Client Redacted, along with its local implementing partners, is implementing an Evidence-based project in Syria to alleviate suffering and reduce exposure to harm through multi-purpose cash transfers to support early recovery and market development, contribute to saving lives, protect the civilian population, reduce suffering, and build resilience. Trust was contracted to provide third party monitoring and verification to document the effectiveness of the project in achieving its intended results and to ensure accountability for results to the donors, program stakeholders, and the participants. OECD/DAC criteria informed the design of all tools and a mixed methods approach was used to conduct data analysis. Trust conducted 21 KIIs with implementing partners staff, local council representatives, community leaders and beneficiaries. 8 FGDs were held with beneficiaries and an additional 307 beneficiary surveys were conducted. Trust verified activities through observation visits and PDM, tested the project design, and evaluated the projects impact, and collected feedback from participants. Additionally, partner capacity development was assessed and partner feedback was collected to make recommendations for future programs.


Sector/s : Nutrition, Livelihoods, Food Security, Agriculture, Cash-based Responses, NFIs Distribution

Project type : Third Party Monitoring, Verification

Location : Syria

Date : Jan 2020 – Mar 2020

Donor : Multi

Data Collection Tools


Beneficiary Surveys


Key Informant Interviews


Focus Group Discussions

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