Third-Party Monitoring | Food Security and Livelihoods Project for WHH

Project Presentation

WHH awarded Trust a TPM contract to monitor and report on its food security project in Northern Syria governorates which aims to contribute to the food security of both IDP and host community members reaching approximately 120,000 beneficiaries affected by the ongoing war. The overall aim of this TPM assignment is to plan and conduct monitoring and report to verify the implementation and quality of the WHH project activities implemented.

The TPM produced credible and reliable findings that verify the implementation and quality of WHH’s programming activities, ensuring the goods and services provided by WHH’s partner have been delivered to the selected households according to the agreed criteria. Trust has conducted 14 OSDM visits, 729 HH surveys, 35 KIIs and 16 FGDs, and provided bi-monthly reports to WHH analysing the quantitative and qualitative data, to highlight all the findings and provide recommendations for improving the effectiveness and impact of the project


Welthungerhilfe WHH logo

Sector/s : Food Security

Project type : Monitoring

Location : NorthernSyria

Period : October 2017 – May 2018

Data Collection Tools






On-site Visits



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