Third Party Monitoring | CARE’s North Syria Response

Project Presentation

CARE International in Turkey has been providing cross-border humanitarian assistance to affected populations in Idleb and Aleppo governorates, addressing the sectors of protection and rapid response. To provide these services, CARE has partnered with two local organizations in Northwest Syria.

Trust Consultancy & Development was contracted to monitor and verify the activities conducted by CARE’s locally based Syrian implementing partners as part of CARE’s MEAL requirement and to assess the appropriateness of targeting and selection strategies, the quality of the implementation, and to provide programmatic and operational recommendations to improve CARE’s programming.

To examine these aims, we used a mixed-methods approach anchored in the OECD evaluation criteria. Data was collected via 55 KIIs with primary stakeholders, 10 FGDs with beneficiaries across the areas of activity, and on-site distribution monitoring. These findings were triangulated with quantitative data obtained after conducting 975 post-distribution monitoring surveys, 6 distribution monitoring surveys, 6 voucher redemption monitorings, and 5 vendor satisfaction surveys. Additionally, 40 site visits were conducted to assess awareness raising and psycho-social support efforts. Trust provided weekly updates on the status and progress of each program monitoring activity, as well as monthly reports per partner which included a comprehensive analysis for the monitoring data, followed by a debrief session for CARE and the implementing partner.


Sector/s : Protection, Psycho-Social Support

Project type : Third Party Monitoring, Post-Distribution Monitoring

Location : Northwest Syria

Period : Jul – Mar 2020

Donor : ECHO

Data Collection Tools


BNFs Surveys






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