Third-Party Monitoring

Project Presentation

The overall purpose of this evaluation is to monitor the implementation of project interventions and verify the quality of services provided by the program. Trust confirms to conduct this TPM within the following objectives:

To provide context analysis needs and response: the immediate results of the action on targeted communities, geographic and thematic areas based on evidence.

To assess whether the program is on track to meet the program output targets and its intended objectives.

To verify the quality services provided by the project and compliance with quality WHO/cluster standards.

To identify any emerging issues related to the affected population, which need urgent attention by our partner.

Assess the extent to which protection mainstreaming interventions have contributed towards promotion of beneficiary individual’s safe, inclusive, participatory and accessible exercise of the right to health.

To assess the extent to which the program ensured coordination and synergies among different stakeholders including communities, donors, Steering committee, Health committee/health directorate, health and protection working groups among others to ensure the smooth implementation of the project interventions with intended quality.

To engage with target communities to gain more in-depth information on beneficiary satisfaction, solicit suggestions and identify further needs.

To assess the extent to which capacity building initiatives following sector guidelines and standards have empowered staff in health, nutrition, and protection to improve service delivery

To identify achievements, challenges, lessons learned and good practices of the project to date, to enable the PHAST consortium to make programmatic adjustments in the remaining period.

To provide concrete recommendations for improving the work for the organization’s partners, which covers health, nutrition, and protection sectors. “


Sector/s : WASH, Nutrition, Protection, Health

Project type : Third-Party Monitoring

Location : Syria

Period : 2023

Data Collection Tools

Desk Review







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