Outcome Evaluation | Strengthening the Protection and Resilience Among Refugees and Host Community Children and Adults

Project Presentation

Save the Children, in partnership with the Center for Family, Women, Support, and People with Disabilities, has implemented a project in Zeytinburnu municipality in Istanbul to improve protection, resilience, and social cohesion for refugees and host communities through access to legal counselling, information, and psycho-social support. This project was funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Trust Consultancy & Development was contracted to carry out an independent evaluation to assess the results against the planned outcomes, analyze reasons for shortcomings, and describe the overall impact on the beneficiary’s lives.

A qualitative approach was used which included 11 KIIs with Save the Children’s staff, implementing partner staff, and local stakeholders as well as 8 FGDs were conducted with children, adolescents, adults and caregivers. Trust designed a methodology for data collection using research questions based on the OECD-DAC criteria. The interviews gathered perspectives on needs in the field of protection, implementation of the project, project management processes, and success of the partnership with their local implementing partner. The FGDs concentrated on assessing beneficiary satisfaction and relevance of project activities.  A final report was provided which captured the findings and made recommendations for future interventions.


Save the children logo

Sector/s : Child Protection, Psycho-Social Support, Livelihoods

Project type : Evaluation

Location : Istanbul, Turkey

Period : Dec – Jan 2020

Donor : Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration

Data Collection Tools





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