Needs Assessment

Project Presentation

The multi-sectoral needs assessment aimed to identify and better understand the most urgent needs and key gaps in sectoral service provision for the crisis-affected population across the targeted locations. Key findings and recommendations from the MSNA aimed to improve the quality of existing programmes while at the same time informing and enhancing the design of future programming based on the priority needs across population groups, gender, and vulnerabilities such as disability.
Hence, Trust conducted the present MSNA within the ​​project purposes of:
Identifying gaps, needs, priorities, level of access, and factors affecting (positively or negatively) access, within and between the sectors of focus at the individual, community, district, and governorate levels for IDPs, returnees and non-displaced communities.
Identifying vulnerable segments of the populations, and their vulnerabilities within and between the sectors of focus.
Identifying patterns and differences in needs with respect to these identified sectors and how the different intersectional factors such as cultural, ethnic background, geographical location, residence status, age, gender, and ability, and other diversity factors explain and determine needs.
Assessing the key Protection, Social Inclusion, Youth, and Gender, Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) risks, coping mechanisms, and opportunities across the outlined sectors (FSL and Markets, WASH, and Social Cohesion) and through different lenses (age, gender, dis/ability, displacement status).
Identifying the key drivers of deteriorating socio-economic conditions and services that impact women, men, boys and girls’ vulnerability and how these affect and impact different population groups’ access to livelihoods opportunities and services as well as their ability to become more self-reliant.


Sector/s : FSL, WASH, Social Cohesion, GBV

Project type : Final Evaluation

Location : Syria

Period : 2024

Data Collection Tools







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