Final Evaluation | Save the Children’s Multi-Sectoral Aid Project

Project Presentation

Save the Children’s project in Northwest Syria focused on education, providing rehabilitation to schools, school kits, teacher kits, student kits, salaries, teacher training and capacity building and financial support.

The main objectives of the evaluation were to determine to what extent the project achieved its objectives, to measure the short-term impact of the project, and to identify the achievements, challenges, lessons learnt and effective practices of the project, with recommendations made for future projects. The methodology included surveys, FGDs with school children and KIIs with school teachers and staff. Field researchers were trained in the use of specific tools before the data collection process. Surveys were analysed using descriptive analysis techniques, and FGDs and KIIs analysed using a thematic analysis approach. Based on the key findings, recommendations for humanitarian assistance in the areas under study were set forth.


Save the children logo

Sector/s : Education

Project type : Final evaluation

Location : Northwest Syria

Period : April 2017

Donor : Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA)

Data Collection Tools

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