Evaluation | Pilot Disaster Risk Reduction Awareness Campaign in Iraq Schools

Project Presentation

Trust Consultancy & Development completed the first of a two-phase evaluation for the German Red Cross and their implementing partner Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS) to monitor project activities and inform and offer improvements for the second phase of their project implementation for Disaster Risk Reduction awareness in Iraq.

We conducted field visits to all 8 schools where project activities took place, conducted 32 FGDs with a total of 144 children, 119 surveys with parents, and 21 KIIs with stakeholders including school staff, project staff, and Iraqi Ministry of Education representatives. The findings of the first phase evaluation were compiled in a report and presented to project staff in Iraq, where recommendations were validated and concrete changes to the second phase of the project implementation planned.


Deutsches Rotes Kreuz logo

Sector/s : Disaster Risk Reduction

Project type : Evaluation (mid-term)

Location : Iraq

Period : March – May 2018

Donor : BMZ (German Government)

Data Collection Tools







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