Evaluation | IOM’s Emergency Cross-Border Assistance in Syria

Project Presentation

Trust Consultancy & Development, in collaboration with iAPS, conducted a third-party process evaluation of IOM projects implemented by three local Syrian implementing partners in the northern governorates of Syria, funded by the Government of Kuwait.

The main objective of the evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the implemented programmes in both governorates, measure achievements against activities and expected results and generate knowledge for future programming. Several tools were employed including FGDs with project participants, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, and individual observation visits by Trust’s five-member field team during the month of July 2016. The tools were structure to include a range of open, closed and comparative questions. Data analysis was guided by the evaluation criteria of relevance, efficiency, coverage, effectiveness and impact/sustainability, in line with the OECD DAC evaluation criteria.


Evaluation | IOM’s Emergency Cross Border Assistance

Sector/s : Shelter & NFIs

Project type : Evaluation

Location : Syria

Period : September 2016

Donor : Government of Kuwait

Data Collection Tools

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