Evaluation | Community-Based Protection Strategies for Refugees and Host Communities in Turkey

Project Presentation

Danish Refugee Council implemented the ‘Strengthening Capacities and Coping Mechanisms to Promote a Protective Environment for Refugees and Host Communities’ project in four provinces in Turkey: Hatay, Kilis, Kahramanmaras, and Sanliurfa. The project aimed to provide legal assistance, legal remedies, psychosocial counselling to GBV survivors, and case management and individual protection assistance to its beneficiaries.

Trust Consultancy & Development was contracted to assess the achievement of results against planned outcomes. Additionally, deviations from planned activities and their impacts, as well as challenges to and success of implementation strategies, were also examined to identify lessons learned for future programming. OECD/DAC criteria was used to design qualitative methodologies to give a comprehensive evalution of the project. 25 KIIs were conducted with the implementing staff, field teams, and partner teams to assess the overall program implementation, effectiveness, and challenges faced with a special focus on DRC’s approach to partnership and capacity development with implementing partners. Eight FGDs were conducted in the community centers with different groups of project beneficiaries, which were analyzed to gather detailed information on satisfaction with services and project results. Trust also identified lessons learned from DRC programming, based on findings and made recommendations to DRC and its partners and stakeholders.


Danish Refugee Council DRC logo

Sector/s : Legal Support, Psycho-Social Support, Gender-Based Violence, Protection

Project type : Endline Evaluation

Location : Hatay, Kilis, Kahramanmaras, and Sanliurfa, Turkey

Period : Jan 2020

Donor : UNHCR

Data Collection Tools





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