Baseline Evaluation | Syrian Resilience Consortium’s Projects

Project Presentation

Trust Consultancy & Development, along with its local partner Investimate, were contracted on behalf on CARE to conduct a third- party baseline evaluation of Syria Resilience Consortium’s (SRC) two new resilience projects. The projects were to be implemented in 27 districts of Syria.

The objectives of this baseline were to:

  • 1) measure key logframe indicators (e.g. Average Food Consumption Score, Average Reduced Coping Strategy index Score, Average HH Debts, Average HH Savings and Assets, etc),
  • 2) analyze key resilience questions and SRC’s Theory of Change,
  • 3) and suggest key methods on how the SRC can measure resilience in Syria in addition to its current log frame.

Technical guidance was provided by Bruce Ravesloot who, together with his colleagues at Tango International, developed the sampling strategy, analytical framework and theory of change assessment. Trust and Investimate used a participatory approach adopting a mixed-methods framework to ensure the engagement of different project stakeholders and beneficiaries to obtain insights for the above objectives. A detailed desk review, household surveys and key informant interviews were conducted. Keeping in mind the current guidelines for the COVID-19 pandemic, the team elected to not include FGDs.


Sector/s : Livelihoods, Food Security

Project type : Baseline Evaluation

Location : Northwest Syria

Date: May 2020 – Sep 2020

Donor : EU

Data Collection Tools




HH Surveys

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