Customized trainings

Customized Trainings

Bespoke training solutions

We create dynamic learning experiences developed specifically to meet the needs of teams and practicioners of humanitarian and development actors in the Middle East and South Asia region.

Our training courses are developed in collaboration with your organization in order to be aligned  with your local context, whether you wish to offer a unique training to your equip or adapt our existing material to your needs. With the help of our trainers, we evaluate with your team the most suitable format according to the duration, the language, the level, the cost and your training objectives, on a wide range of sectors.

We make sure for each of our trainings that the trainees will be equipped, at the end of the session, with the materials and resources to be able to apply the knowledge acquired to the challenges encountered in their daily professional activity, and to in turn promote the values of accountability and quality of the humanitarian sector.