Trust is pleased that its CEO, Youssef Almustafa, and Syria Operations manager, Hani Babeli, were able to attend an enlightening workshop held by International Business and Technical Consultants Inc. (IBTCI) on Monday and Tuesday.
Over the course of this 2-day workshop in Istanbul, IBTCI and its third-party monitoring companies exchanged ideas, experiences and lessons learned over the past two years of working in the TPM sector. The sessions were highly participatory, open, frank and transparent. All parties present were keen to improve themselves – and transparency and honest feedback are essential parts of this learning and development process.
How to avoid fraud and corruption, and how to deal with such cases in a professional manner were among the hot topics discussed by the participants. For those working in monitoring and evaluation, accountability and integrity are of the utmost importance. In order to ensure that humanitarian organisations are providing assistance in the most responsible, holistic and effective way, we ourselves must continuously ensure that we are leading by example. Trust Consultancy and Development is committed to this, and as such, training and self-improvement is an essential focus of the organisation.
The last two days’ sessions were highly collaborative and extremely enriching . Those present agreed to hold regular workshops in the future in order to continuously challenge and develop ourselves, and ultimately improve the lives of those that we strive to assist.
Trust would like to thank IBTCI for their great contribution to Trust’s development and self-awareness, and to all other third party monitoring companies for adding to such a great experience! See you for another session in the near future!