Trust Meets with Lebanese NGO Multi Aid Programs

MAPS Lebanon turkey

Trust Consultancy and Development recently met with Multi Aid Programs (MAPS) an organisation based in Lebanon


Trust’s CEO Youssef Almustafa, and Third Party Monitoring Director Mahmoud Jammoul met with Dr. Fadi Al-Halabi, General Director of MAPS in Gaziantep this week.

MAPS is one of the most successful Syrian NGOs in Lebanon and has programmes in health, education , relief and continuous education. Trust shares many qualities with MAPS as both organisations are Syrian ventures working to fill crucial gaps in the humanitarian and development sector. For its part Trust  provides different services in areas such as third party monitoring and evaluation, research, Arabic – English translation and capacity building activities. With complementary aims and goals, both Trust and MAPS have decided to collaborate with each other and have joint activities in Lebanon in 2018.

For more information about MAPS please consult this link:

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